Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Mormon God Sitting On His Throne

The Mormon God Sitting On His Throne

The Mormon god sitting on his throne is Min the Phallic God

The Mormon God Sitting On His Throne is 'Min' the Phallic God.


[1] Facsimile 2, BoA,
Joseph Smith Translation:
"God sitting on his throne, revealing through the heavens the grand Key-words of the priesthood"

[2] Min;
(Scroll down to Figure 7)

Joseph Smith said that figure 7, "Represents God sitting upon his throne, revealing through the heavens the grand Key-words of the Priesthood; as also, the sign of the Holy Ghost unto Abraham, in the form of a dove."
This figure is clearly the ithyphallic god Min. Next to Min ... is the ithyphallic snake which represents Atum, whose power of creation was often represented in the form of a snake. The ithlyphallic pose underlines this creative aspect. I suspect that the unfinished representation of Atum in Facsimile 2 (due probably to damage in the original) was interpreted by Joseph to be a figure "in the form of a dove", rather than that of a snake.
Overall, this entire lower register describes the deceased's entry into the divine realm of the afterlife and the beginning of his/her transformation — his/her re-birth to that realm, as represented by these ithyphallic figures.

LDS Apologists Agree that Figure 7 is Min the ithyphallic God

Note, even LDS apologists admit that this figure, with the erect penis, is the god Min. (page 11, last paragraph of the above link). "7. A seated ithyphallic god with a hawk's tail, holding aloft a flail. This is a form of Min"

(Quoted from

See also:

Facsimile #2 Examined
Thumbnail of Facsimile #2