Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Impossible Gospel of Mormonism; The Plan of Salvation

The Impossible Gospel of Mormonism; The Plan of Salvation

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[1]     "Premortality, a Glorious Reality", Neal A. Maxwell, General Conference, Oct. 1985
[2]     War in Heaven, LDS Bible Dictionary
[3]     "The Time to Prepare", Joseph B. Wirthlin, General Conference, April 1998
[4]     "The Salvation of Little Children", Bruce R. McConkie, Ensign, April, 1977
[5]     Baptisms for the Dead, Gospel Topics Online
[6]     "Preparing for Exaltation: Teacher's Manual", Lesson 22: Striving for Perfection, p. 122-27
[7]     "Postmortal Spirit World", Gospel Principles, Ch. 41
[8]     "Confession", New Era, J. Richard Clarke, November 1980
[9]     Church Disciplinary Councils, Gospel Topics Online
[10]   "after all we can do", List of rules and commandments
[11]   "Redemption through Jesus Christ after All We Can Do", Ezra Taft Benson, Liahona, dec. 1988
[12]   "The Miracle of Forgiveness", Spencer W. Kimball, p.169
[13]   "The Gospel of Jesus Christ", L. Tom Perry, Gen. Conf., April 2008
[14]    Outer Darkness, LDS Online Guide to the scriptures
[15]    D&C 76:98-103
[16]    “Celestial Kingdom” , LDS Topics Online
[17]    “Terrestrial Kingdom”, LDS Topics Online
[18]    “Telestial Kingdom”, LDS Topics Online

[19]     BAPTISM, LDS Online Guide to the scriptures

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  1. The goal of salvation is the fullness of the gospel. It contains the Product, the Fall, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and all the laws, regulations, and principles of the gospel. Moral agent, the ability to decide and act for ourselves, is also important in Heavenly Father’s plan.My profession is content writing, and I offer dissertation proposal help service to the students at a cheap rate.

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